Sunday, November 30, 2014

After, the Beginning Was When the Word Became Void

Before: Creation:         

One:    And light for day against night

Two:    And a firmament against the waters
            And the waters in a ball against a spin to make land dry land

Three:  And grass and seed and trees fruit trees against themselves but within themselves

Four:    And lights against the sky a wide eye sky never closing only turning
            And a quiet eye always sometimes open sometimes not
            And stars         those too                     on the hem of heaven

Five:    And birds  And fish  And whales  Against the wind and water they multiply

Six:      And the cattle creep in the dust         
            And all the beasts creep against the trees
            And the seeds inside the seeds inside the seeds inside the mystery within a firmament

            And least of these                                me                               between beasts and trees
                                                            on my knees bending knees
                                                            sweeping clean the earth
                                                            for my Sweet Pea
            And we creep  we eat weeds   we sweep the sky with our baleen mane, our fractured jaw

After:   New Creation:                                    

Six:      And we creep in the dust and screech like bats against bricks and moonlight
Five:    tight light under the roof of night against all day gone day
Four:    gone out day forever out like the stars too and no way to know our way
Three:  to the gate, after all the grass is pulled away, after all the mud and clay are laid square
            after he’s laid prostrate and I fling my fist-ball of earth in
            reverse reverse to the earth
Two:    to rub my face raw with His curse of it that firmament against the water
One:    that night against light

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